Written by Nathaniel Basch-Gould, Michael Leon, and Peter Drivas, directed by Krysta Hibbard, with story consulting by Yvonne Cone will show at Ripley Grier on November 17, 2022.
TAKE ME WITH YOU wins Honorable Mention at Queen Palm Intl. Film Festival
I’m thrilled to say that my short film, TAKE ME WITH YOU, has now been an Official Selection at 12 film festivals and just won the Honorable Mention award at Queen Palm, alongside the Academy Award winning short film TWO DISTANT STRANGERS.
WHAT WE KNOW by SSC at the Access Theater →
It’s been a deep pleasure to co-write and star in WHAT WE KNOW with this incredible group of actors/writers. Playing at the Access Theater through December 20th
Paul Sorvino's LEAR at The Barrow Group →
The cast of LEAR, directed by and starring Paul Sorvino.